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电视剧 新费雪小姐探案第一季下载地址


新费雪小姐探案第一季是如虎BT网小编为大家收集的一部来自澳大利亚的电视剧,该部电视剧名叫《新费雪小姐探案第一季》是在2019年年拍摄的,并在2020/5/31 1:42:53上映,如虎BT网小编从网上搜集到该片最新的格式是更新至4集 ,这部电视剧是由Fiona Banks导演执导,由杰拉尔丁·黑克威尔  乔尔·杰克逊  Catherine  McClements等明星领衔主演,讲述了Set in swinging '60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when th... ,具体的剧情小编就不多说了,请给位自己用迅雷下载新费雪小姐探案第一季观看吧。
Set in swinging '60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew, Phryne Fisher, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine sets out to become a world-class private detective in her own right with the unerring guidance of The Adventuresses' Club, a group of exceptional women of which her celebrated aunt was a member. A natural rule breaker, Peregrine is fearless, fun, and charmingly down-to-earth. Despite failing at a number of jobs - hairdresser, typist and sales girl - her survival instincts have kept her afloat. Armed with an impressive collection of life skills and having recently lost her dependent mother, Peregrine is perfectly poised for a new and challenging life and looking for a sense of belonging. She's a self-starter with an innate curiosity, moral integrity and an acute sense of justice; all of which delivers her an instinct for搜索关键字:新费雪小姐探案第一季迅雷下载_新费雪小姐探案第一季磁力链接_新费雪小姐探案第一季种子_新费雪小姐探案第一季BT下载就可以找到我们。请记住我们的网址:http://www.ruruhu.com/magnet/245550.html。


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